New top story on Hacker News: Show HN: Hydra - Open-Source Columnar Postgres

Show HN: Hydra - Open-Source Columnar Postgres
35 by coatue | 2 comments on Hacker News.
hi hn, hydra ceo here hydra is an open-source extension that adds columnar tables to Postgres for efficient analytical reporting. With Hydra, you can analyze billions of rows instantly without changing code. demo video (5 min): github repo: For 1.0 GA release, aggregate queries are over *60% faster* than Hydra beta due to aggregate vectorization. Spatial indexes (gin, gist, spgist, and rum indexes) and pg_hint_plan are now enabled for performance optimization. postgres is great, but aggregates can take minutes to hours to return results on large data sets. long-running analytical queries hog database resources and degrade performance. use hydra to run much faster analytics on postgres without changing code. for testing, try the hydra free tier to create a column postgres instance on the cloud.


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