Infamous conspiracy theorist Alex Jones was expected to have his Instagram account shut down, or at least have a recently posted photo deleted, after he recently posted an image of an art piece called “False Profits” on his Instagram story.The image depicts six white men with hooked noses playing monopoly on the backs of other humans, surrounded by gold, skulls, money, medicine, and a globe. In the background appears to be the city of Manhattan in nuclear fall-out, and the men sit in front of the pyramid of the Great Seal of the United States.The pyramid with the all-seeing eye has been co-opted by conspiracy theorists as evidence of an evil “new world order”. The globe on the table also may potentially represent “globalists”, two heavily used anti-semitic tropes.Despite this, Instagram claims that the post did not violate their community standards.There seems to be disagreement at parent-company Facebook among high level executives, if Jones is a hate figure or not, as seen in leaked ...